Industry, trade and services
Industry, trade and services
For more than 100 years we have advised companies in very different industrial fields and sectors in Germany in regard to insurance matters and risk management.
We know: Every sector and every company has been formed by complex individual risk situations. Whether start-ups, Mittelstand family-owned companies or major multinational conglomerates: whether they are active in industry, trade or services. We know the market environment and we analyse the risks which your company is subject to.
We put our experience to use for you and advise you like a partner. In that we, we develop for you individual sector solutions and services and insure your risks nationally as well as internationally. So that your company is safely protected for the real emergency. We service companies from the most varied sectors; for some special sectors and markets we have created our own, highly specialised competence centres.
Our sectoral expertise comprises, among other Things:
- Trade
- The automotive industry
- Machine tool and process plant engineering
- The energy industry
- Financial services
- The foodstuff industry
- Health care
- Sports and entertainment